Friday, January 20, 2023

A Brief Stop...

A brief stop at Zanthorrea nursery on my way home yesterday to see what flowers were in bloom. To my sheer delight a family of red tailed cockatoos were resting in the towering trees lining the property. Needing my camera on full zoom to get a clear photo and the swaying leaves did make capturing these magnificent birds rather a challenge.
In the gardens not much was in flower, those plants that were in flower did add a bit of much needed colour to the dryness of the foliage. 
Bees were enjoying a refreshing drink in the many bee baths that the nursery has placed around. I have noticed that terracotta bowls serve as great bee baths as the bees can keep a good grip in the sides of the bowl as they drink, this lessens the risk of drowning. 
Two pieces of art caught my attention as I was leaving, I don't normally exit the nursery this way and have walked past them so many times. 
It is always interesting what you see if you change direction...



William Kendall said...

The cockatoos are a delight.

Gemel said...

They are one of my favourites.