Tuesday, January 17, 2023

A Stunning Family...

A stunning family of geese have taken up residence by the river in Guildford. Being a domestic breed I assume that they may have been left here on purpose, or otherwise they have escaped. They seemed to have the humans who visit the picnic area under control, tasty tidbits were given by a couple of people dining in the park. They certainly have adjusted to free range life.
There were two however that looked to have damaged wings. Their wing feathers extending out at odd angles, although they looked extremely healthy otherwise. 
I also noticed that many have little domes of feathers on the top of their heads, having done a search this characteristic is not normally seen in this breed. Quite intriguing. 

A brief walk to the river's edge where all was calm and very quiet, only one bird found enjoying the midday sun. I did notice a fairy door had been placed on one of the trees near the water's edge. It was glistening in the sun and added a playful touch. 

Wandering back to the car and a brief farewell was given to the geese and it was off I ventured once again...



William Kendall said...

They make very good photo subjects.

Gemel said...

That they did, they seemed happy to pose.