Sunday, January 15, 2023

Taking Time Out...

Taking time out from posting and being on the computer in general has been relaxing, so much so that I am finding that getting back to posting regularly is taking a bit of effort. 
Sometimes we do need to stop and recharge, change things around and have a break from whatever habits we have formed. 
Seeing the world clearer and also seeing new paths opening up as another year begins. It has been a few weeks of decluttering both the mind and my humble little home. I seem to be finding that less is more, material things losing their appeal, not that I have been one to really place too much importance on stuff. 
My connection to nature is deepening and I find that more often than not I just want to be outside watching the days pass. 
Obviously in my garden the watcher always becomes the watched.
Sitting still and gazing eye to eye with a bird really is a special and inspirational experience. 
Sometimes these gazing sessions last for quite a while with neither me or the bird moving. 
As I gaze I am in awe, every detail of the feathered beauty is taken in. 
But as for the bird, what must he be thinking of this human seated before him...



Sharon said...

I've often wondered the same thing. I too love watching creatures and being watched right back.

William Kendall said...

What a grand sight this one is.

Gemel said...

Me too Sharon.

Certainly a beauty William.