Friday, February 12, 2021

Another Dog.....

Another dog rescued after running in front of my car this morning and nearly getting hit.
I got out of the car to check his collar, he jumped into the car before I had a chance to look at it!
Jumped straight onto the back seat and was slobbering all over the place with a where are we going kind of look on his face.
Funny little guy.
No name tag and I was on my way to work, so, I went to the local shop and told them where I found him and they took him in, gave him water and then posted on Facebook (which I don't have) to see if his owners would show up.
I went back after work to see if he had been reunited with his humans, but the afternoon staff knew nothing about a dog, so I have a very positive feeling that he is back home safe and snug.....


1 comment:

William Kendall said...

Sounds like he got safely home.