Monday, April 06, 2020

The Ever Evolving Moments......

 The ever evolving moments that create our lives have the ability to heal and lead to creation and flow, or, weigh upon us like a murky burden of muck, causing us to be stuck and wallowing in a life of regret and always pondering the what if's.

Over ten years ago now I embarked on a solo life, walking away from what most saw as a comfortable secure life, to a life where nothing would be certain, the path not clear and basically no clue of what the future would hold.

The thing was nothing about what I had ever made me feel at peace or whole, I had lost my path as a very young child when violence and cruelty were my rewards when doing what I do best, communing with the natural world.

Recently recalling the exact moment of this shut down of my soul I was not angry or sad for all the missed years of being untrue to my soul, but joyous for finding my way back to a path long since taken away from me as I was pushed into a world I did not understand.
A world of things and of a society that made no sense, and as I attempted to live in this world of disconnection and greed the more damage it did to my heart.
Frightened and isolated I sought to fill the emptiness of my heart, and no matter what I did nothing filled the void within,  whether relationships or jobs, money or things I still walked the earth empty of any true purpose or meaning.

Giving up on materialism completely when I moved to the tiny cottage that is now my home was the beginning of finding my way back to me, the journey has been a sometimes difficult one as the deeper I ventured into myself the more I saw I had to clear.
Suddenly it was apparent that I had to let go of the weight of the past that I carried around, and in doing that I had to sit with and release the dark energy of guilt, fear, uncertainty and blame that I had festering within like a cancer which threatened to overtake my soul with it's negative feelings.
Facing the truth of oneself in the mirror and acknowledging the part you play in creating your life story is no easy thing, in fact it is quite terrifying!
But, going within to be still with the true essence of who you really are is the only way to clear the past and to leave it where it belongs, floating away on the breeze.

Finding that my path has always been the one my ancestors walked long ago, one where we lived in harmony with nature where it was known by all that everything we need is provided by our Earth Mother.
As the world is going into complete chaos it so simple to see how this disconnection has caused the problems mass modern societies now face.
Greed has all but destroyed the planet, polluting the ocean's and rivers, tearing down forests and woodlands, blowing up the Earth for mining and slaughtering millions of animals some to extinction.
Cities are over taking the this once emerald oasis of beauty replacing it with a collection of man made monstrosities that continue to spread. 
Humanity culls other species that are thriving and doing well seeing their numbers as a threat, yet what other species on the planet has caused as much destruction as the humans have?
To find yourself living amongst those who are so asleep, those who cannot see the interconnectedness of All Life had caused so much pain in my own life, yet, as I reclaimed my purpose and my path it is here now I see that finding my way back to simplistic living is an achievement I cannot really put into words, yet understanding also it was what my life has all been about.
Finding my way home despite the chaos I am surrounded by was truly a journey worth embarking on.
Whoever my true ancestors where, and from where they came from I do not know, but their wisdom and guidance has been with me always, especially in the hardest moments of my story.
They kept calling me home.

Each moment we have slips into our yesterdays creating space for new moments to become our reality.
Each moment we have the ability to stop and be still, to feel into our heart and listen to the wisdom it has to share with us if only we can stop and hear it's call.
Life doesn't need to be complicated.
Life is a melody where all life forms have the ability to nurture and support the other if you are still enough to see the true treasures of the world require no money.
Taking moments to smell a flower.
Maybe some moments to grow your own vegetables or nurture a garden.
Moments to explore and reconnect with nature to expand and open your heart.

Moments to remember what a gift All Life Is........

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