Friday, April 17, 2020

Testing Out......

 Testing out a new camera I have been given  from a friend as my latest camera has sadly had the same issue my old faithful cannon camera had, a faulty blinking lens!

So, a trusty old Fuji Finepix S700 has found it's way into my hands, and given the few quick snaps around the garden I have just taken I am pretty impressed, it has a better macro that the newer cannon camera I recently purchased.

So very grateful for being at the right place when my camera began to malfunction to be told that someone had a camera they no longer used as they felt that their phone took better photos.

I don't like using my phone camera as mine doesn't seem to produce good close up photos, but more than that, I actually like a phone to be phone, a quick snap here and there is okay, but to go out with a "proper" camera is what I really truly love to do.......

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