Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Here's A Thought........

Here's a thought, why are those of us who think outside the box of mainstream government censored media viewed as conspiracy theorists, delusional or other such derogatory name labels because we dare to question what we are being told and by doing our own research seeing that things the masses are currently being told don't add up?

Why is it that David Icke is such a threat with what he spoke about recently in connection to covid19 and 5g so much so that his is being targeted for speaking his view on what he feels is going on.
Why is a man in his sixties who has simply been interviewed by an independent news channel such a threat for using his freedom of speech ?
Why do they need to shut him up?
Why has London Real been shut down because of his interview?
Perhaps because there maybe some truth in what he is saying!

Where is our freedom of speech?

Those of us who choose to think for ourselves have always been given labels because we will not follow what we are told without questioning why. I haven't watched mainstream television for well over ten years, in fact I don't even own a television. I never buy newspapers, nor read news on-line, don't even listen to the radio stations, over the years I have been called all number of things as those who follow like robots cannot fathom that there is a different more harmonious way to live ones life and they feel that how I choose to live my life is wrong.

I have never had a flu vaccination and don't intend to start doing so now, in a world where we are suppose to have freedom to make our own choices this should not be a problem, yet now Bill Gates is stating he wants the entire population vaccinated.
Who is he to enforce such a thing?
And why is so important to him anyway?

With the current lock-down situations happening across the planet and millions of people reacting just as they want them to, in fear, it is easy to see that there is more going on than the mainstream news channels and governments are telling the masses.

And if you choose to do a bit of independent research you will see that there are many who are questioning what is currently occurring, including doctors and scientists who have begun to step up and say this is not adding up.

Doing nothing means that we as individuals consent to having our freedoms taken way.
And will these freedoms be given back once this covid19 thing over?

I have sat with the Divine Mother Ayahuasca and it took me three years to process the insights and messages she gave me the last time I sat with her.
I have worked through the life patterns and past actions that living in a such an unnatural "modern" society has heaped upon me, museums are full of artifacts and their view of history, a history of rape, murder, slavery and the countless destruction of many indigenous cultures across the planet, and we the people are suppose to believe that this is a conscious way to live, that the white western way of living is the right way to live.

And why is ayahuasca deemed as a mind altering drug?
She is a plant teacher, a medicine so infused with so much love that anyone who is brave enough to sit with her will see that she is far from dangerous.
Yet, alcohol the most addictive drug in the world is available to all, it's destruction of lives and the health damage it causes it is legal for all.
And in this current world crisis getting your alcohol is deemed as a necessity.

Those of us who have stepped away from the western way of living, those of us who have seen that the hero worshipping of sports people, chefs and celebrities who get paid ridiculous amounts of money because they are talented at chasing a ball around or for holding a tune or cooking some food are now seen as some sort of gods is also ridiculous.
They are no more worthy than you or I.
And as the dysfunction of the western world is continuing to crumble causing mass hysteria and panic how many are thinking that none of this makes sense, or is right for humanity as a whole?
Those like me who live a simple life and who walk a path that was trod by our ancestors from the beginning of time see through the illusions of fear.
We are connected to force far greater than the governments, we are connected to the ever pulsating life force of the All.
The Mother of us All.
For without her we would not be here.
We need no bibles, we require no churches, we see the interconnectedness of All life from the tiniest insect to the greatest whale and we connect by simply sitting in silence.
We see the planet as a living entity who is being destroyed by those who thrive on greed and control.

We see the dysfunction of modern society in the souls of those so lost in it's clutches that they have lost their power to have independent thoughts.
It is now that the gentle folk of the world who see different ways of living will become targets as we will not comply.
We see permaculture as a way of getting humanity back in touch with itself a way of waking up those who have long lost their connection with the Earth.

We see that love can overcome fear.

And we sit and we pray that more will begin to question than blindly follow......


luksky said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE this! And have the same thoughts and feelings about the matter. I have never had a flu shot either in my entire 55 years of life, and did not know that someone insignificant in my life has a plan to change that and force me to be injected with poison. I'm not sure how all this is going to pan out, but I feel like there are not as many who think like we do, and will continue to follow like blind sheep therefore making it easier to control the masses.

Gemel said...

Thank you Laura, yes we are the minority, but we should have the right to choose whether or not we want a vaccination. All we can do is to stay true to ourselves and trust that more sheep people wake up and begin to question.