Sunday, April 05, 2020

A Peaceful.....

A peaceful morning was spent in the delightful gardens of Kings Park earlier in the week.
Taking a spot under a weeping peppermint tree to spread out a blanket and simply breathe and absorb nature as she surrounded me.
Appearing in the branches above my head were two kookaburras, who were keeping a close eye on what food suddenly appeared, particularly the grapes!
Keeping a close eye or rather eyes on the food the cheeky birds flew down sat on my knee and pinch it right off my lap!
Very pleased with themselves they kept coming back for more. 
The tranquilly of the park seeped into my soul, a much needed energy given the world wide fear mongering currently underway, making people fearful of people as the powers that be keep the real reason for the control of society closely under wraps as those who do not think for themselves do as instructed without a second thought as to why all this control is really required!
Nature is still doing her thing, as I said a few posts ago birds are still singing, water is still flowing, nature is still as wondrous as always despite the chaos being pushed upon us.
Thinking for ourselves and questioning what the media and governments feeds us is not something many do, instead they trust and follow blindly as they are told what to do never questioning a thing.
In this time we need to stop, to be still and to feel into what is really going on, and to find that place in our hearts that connects us to the Source of All, for it is there we will find the answers and the truth....

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