Saturday, April 11, 2020

Sitting In.......

 Sitting in the garden watching and listening to the world wake to greet another beautiful day is my most favourite time of the day.
As dawn gives way to the first glimpses of sunshine Aslan  breaks the silence first, he can be heard crowing in answer to another rooster also calling to the sun waking up the world with their calls.

Slowly the world wakes up, the haunting call of the night birds receding as the sun climbs higher in the sky, to be followed by the dawn chorus of the magpies and kookaburras as they sing out in unison to welcome yet another day.
Sitting out on the veranda with my coffee and watching the activity in the garden increasing with each second that passes, morning is such a busy time and no two mornings are the same.
With the ring necked parrots coming in first to have a bit of a preening session as well as checking to see if the chickens have left any tasty treats from their morning breakfast, they are normally followed by the magpies and ducks.
A lone wattle bird was busy catching tiny insects around the garden and little Nova also decided that checking out one of the mobiles I have hanging in a tree was the supply of lots of yummy insects that the rest of the chickens had failed to see so she kept quiet and feasted on the bounty she had discovered.
As another hot day is predicted I took the opportunity to sit and rest a bit before the day unfolds, connecting in to the beauty of nature as she surrounds me, humbled by the abundance of life that continually dances within this private garden of mine, seeing the wonders each and every day no matter how small they may be and giving gratitude that my eyes and heart are open to see the miracle of life in each and every moment of each and every day....

1 comment:

Sharon said...

Such a beautiful assortment of early risers! They must be a joy to watch.