Thursday, April 09, 2020

Sitting On....

Sitting on ancient rocks surrounded by the hum of my eternally present Mother always gives me a deep peace that seeps into every cell of my body, calming and connecting me to source of All life.

Some see the magical realms of the bush land as I do, others, well others fail to see what fascinates me as I am mesmerised by the glorious landscapes I venture into.
They do not feel the wondrous call  of the silent trees nor do they stop to sit and just be, to recharge themselves with the powerful loving embrace of the land.
As the world around me rushes into fear, as thousands of jobs are lost, personal freedoms are taken away I do ponder why so many do not question why this is so and simply allow it to be.
As clouds drift silently above me and insects chirp in the hot midday sun I relaxed into the realm of the divine as I allow the love of my Earth Mother to wash away any fear present within me.
Although silent to those who can't hear our Earth Mother is ever present in her support of us all, her wisdom vibrating up through the ground grounding us if we take the time to stop.
She will continue as she has always done, we on the other hand are facing a crisis that is threatening to cause endless chaos and upheaval as the governments take bully-boy tactics to control and push us towards a way of being that is so extremely unnatural.
When collective fear is causing mass paranoia with the sudden and dramatic changes governments around the world are inflicting upon the people of Earth perhaps it is time for more to wander into the untouched lands across the planet to connect into the deep love that resonates from our Earth Mother, to feel her strength and to listen to her heartbeat as she radiates her presence out into the world to calm and to heal us.
People are becoming fearful of people, and as this global chaos continues we will soon see a rise in domestic violence and suicide as many do not know how to navigate this world they find themselves in and will react in fear and violence as they cannot understand nor see any other way out.

Those of us who can maintain their inner Light are beacons for the many, for in this disorder we are still strong in our centre, we are connecting in through our practices to hold strong not only for ourselves but for all of humanity......

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