Sunday, June 07, 2020

The Kitties New Outdoor....

The kitties new outdoor play area which I picked up on Friday and put together for them yesterday.
An easy job as the frame clicked together with no tools required, so it was done in less than an hour.
The cats were not as enthusiastic as I thought they would be, they only lasted in it an hour and only with me sitting in there with them, Nala was the least impressed with this idea.
Getting use to being outside lead free will take a bit of getting use to, but with renovations finally underway at the cottage to replace the wood of the entire verandah I will be spending a lot more time outside working on the cottage and thought it would be nice to have the  kittie kids outside while I am doing this as their playtime with me inside will be a little less over the months ahead.

For them I guess it was all a bit strange, and perhaps they thought that this was going to be their new home and freaked out at that thought.
I will try again today and maybe now they know that they will come back into the safety of their home they might relax a bit more.....

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