Sunday, June 21, 2020

The Art Of....

 The art of relaxation is something cats do perfectly, especially on a cold winter's day when the fire is on.
Many people see a cat as simply a cat, not seeing the soul within.
They do not view them as a sentient being who like humans have a soul and a personality, most simply get a cat and that is as far as it goes.
Derogatory names are flung at humans like myself who like to live with more than one feline, crazy cat lady being the most common bandied about. 
Although I find this term rather childish it also indicated the level of intelligence of the people who cannot see the soul of another being who wears a different skin to that of the human.

Cats are my chosen housemates for a reason, they are incredibly loving, extremely open to the energies of not only other humans who visit my cottage, but also to the unseen world that surrounds us, unlike the majority of humans cats like dogs sense and see so much more than the average human.
My three like their predecessors Spirit, Princess Pixie and Tarmie who found their way to live with me are such a blessing to have in my life, they have all given to me what no human ever has, unconditional love.

Preferring the company of animals to humans all of my life I have seen first hand how intelligent and aware cats are. 
Over the years all of my kitty companions have read people who entered their home and if they did not like the energy radiating from the human in front of them they would not engage in even the smallest sign of acknowledging their presence, instead they would ignore these people and not come out until after the person had left their home.
In all cases where the cats ignored these humans visitors they were right from the get go, me being a mere human would also feel these uneasy energies, but would give these people a chance to be in my life, yet each time the cats were correct, these humans were not compatible to me.
Each of my cats has a quirky personality and their own funny ways, like humans each is an individual, even in slumber their personalities shine through.
Miss Bear likes to strike a pose as she sleeps, stretching out by the warm fire with her own wonderful way of sleeping.
Nala's favourite sleeping place at the moment is their toy basket, for some reason this has become her best sleeping place and she likes nothing better than to curl up here.
Charlie, well he is the funniest of the three, often sleeping in the weirdest positions and a cheeky look on his face.

Those who have not opened their hearts and their eyes to the realm of our animal companions, be they animals in their homes or the wildlife that surrounds us are truly missing out on a level of connection that can't be taught only felt in the deepest recesses of the heart.

Each creature that walks, slithers, swims or flies has a soul and a purpose, each has a right to live a life of safety and peace, free from harm neglect and cruelty.
Each has as much right to be here as the humans do, living their life their own unique way.

As I wake each day I am greeted by each of my cats in turn as I open my eyes, each will come to say good morning as I slowly wake, a purr and a cuddle is given and as I rise they all speak as I begin another day, love and playfulness ooze within the walls of my humble home, antics bring laughter and joy.
Three waiting faces pressed against the front window whenever my car pulls into the driveway always greet me, and when entering the cottage a vocal chorus of meows is heard, their human is home, all is well in their realm.
Seeing the way that Miss Bear and Charlie are interacting with the singing bowl is another indication of how aware they are, as soon as it is activated and begins to hum these two come running to stick their heads into the bowl and simply allow the healing tones to cascade over them.

Walking the world as I do has often brought a lot of criticism from those who don't understand my way with the natural world, yet without my soul connections to these beautiful creatures who live with me and around me I know that my life would not be as fulfilled as it is........

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