Monday, June 01, 2020

What Is The Story...

What is the story behind your stories?
Why do so may need to rehash the past?
Why do we allow moments long since past to take over our minds and our lives infiltrating a time when the energy surrounding these tales we tell ourselves and share with others are no longer relevant?
Why do so many identify by the experiences they have had seeming to believe wholeheartedly that these experiences no matter what they were define them as a person?
Using these stories to excuse bad behaviour or the inability to take control of their lives.
Some trudge through life with the woes of the past weighing them down, actions they have taken or the actions of others, living in a realm of victimhood or with a poor me mentality instead of looking in the mirror and facing the self and declaring that this way of living makes little to no sense.
Life is a journey, a continuous series of Now moments interconnected with each other as we weave our way through life.
Where does one moment end and another begin?
How can we define this?
We can't.
The Now is ever present.

Wearing your past like a shield and allowing it to penetrate your current existence will not allow you to grow, or to shed the murky turmoil that is rushing through your soul keeping you stuck in the stories that you keep repeating to yourself.
Being one who did use the past as a way of identifying with myself believing the self chatter I continuously told myself kept me stuck in the very thing I wanted to change the most.
In the years it has taken me to stop the stories of despair and trauma I have seen how much courage and determination it takes to let it all go.

It is not an easy journey waking up.

It is the most difficult thing that I have done, it has taken years upon years to unravel and release the past and realise that by working on myself and the patterns of behaviour I had I truly have begun to live a life of peacefulness and harmony without the negative self chatter continuously babbling in my head.
We can continue to blame others for what they might have done to us, we may continuously berate ourselves for things we may have done to others, but at the end of he day the more energy you put into this the less energy you have to be present in your life right Now.
Situations and people of the past cannot hurt you Now.
Nor can they control your life.
It is our own lack of self awareness that keeps us stuck and in prison with thinking that what has been somehow creates and defines as the person we are in this moment.

The signs of a soul in turmoil are those who gossip and judge others trying without success to shed this angst within themselves transferring their inner feelings of anger, lack of self worth and frustrations at others rather than going to root source.

We cannot fully understand how another person lives their life.
We cannot understand the choices they make.
We cannot know why they did what they did.
We cannot understand their pain.
Because without walking in their shoes and feeling the emotions in their heart all we can do is compare it to the experiences we have had.
All we can do is acknowledge that they did the best that they could do with the knowledge and self awareness they had at the time.

People hurt people, be they mother, father, sister, brother, cousin, aunty, uncle or friend.
If we truly come from the heart space and feel into their true essence we will find that their actions came from a wounded ego who had not had the presence of mind to go within to heal, to begin the journey of self love instead of transferring their inner pain to anyone else who does not fit to their rules and expectations, repeating the patterns and behaviors they so desperately wanted to shed.
Some people never work on themselves to heal the darkness and traumas of their life stories.
Instead they allow these destructive emotions to fester inside causing them to keep repeating the same patterns, always blaming someone else for where they find themselves, repeatedly telling their stories of woe to anyone willing to listen.
I have been on that merry-go-round wanting desperately to get off the unsavory ride I found myself on but too intimidated for so many years to step off as to not know what the unknown territory of change would bring was absolutely terrifying.
It was much easier to stay in the sadness and grief, for I understood this way of being, the thought of change was incredibly scary.
Especially the change of myself without my stories as my armour, who would I become.

It took me a long time to see the root cause of the dysfunction of my earthly existence.
It took me even longer to have enough bravery to begin the most difficult chapter in my life, the one of healing and shedding that pain of the past and setting myself free.

We cannot truly make another understand the path we have walked, we also cannot explain to another how we have reached this pinacle of healing.
All we can do is continue to grow, to expand our hearts and to free the mind, to understand with a passionate heart that the healing journey we have undertaken flows out into the multiverses and the ripple effect of healing travels throughout time and space, forwards and backwards touching all connected with our own personal journey through the wondrous miracle of life......

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Powerful. But very true