Saturday, June 20, 2020


 Exploring their cat run Miss Bear, Charlie and Nala were not as enthusiastic as I had thought.
They lasted ten minutes the first time, clearly distraught if I was not in with them, and cried and cried until I took them in one by one and once inside again they settled down quickly after their ordeal.
Over the last couple of weeks they have stayed out longer and longer, with lasting a whole two hours on Monday and Tuesday. 
Nala is the most unsettled, she will climb up the sides and cry until I rescue her and take her in to the safety of the cottage.
Miss Bear is the one who has settled the most, she will stay out alone after Charlie has too gone inside.
Slowly they will settle into outside time without their leads, and time together as well instead of being taken out one by one.
They already know the routine, harnesses on mean that they are going out, and they line up and patiently allowing me to get their harnesses on. 
There is so much for them to see, new smells and grass to eat and the earth to roll on, but like anything it takes time, and time is something I have an abundance of.......

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