Saturday, May 30, 2020

Why Don't You......

Why don't you follow the rules of Blogger I was asked?
Quite frankly I didn't realise that there were any rules on Blogger.
And even it I did know, I doubt very much whether I would adhere to them anyway!
I have never been one to follow a herd mentality, rather I like to just go with what feels right for me.

Some days I write one post.
Other days I will share three or maybe more.
If I see an inspiring video I will upload it thinking that maybe what inspired me may also inspire another.
I might add a clip of new music I have found or maybe even one of an old favourite.

I don't profess to be a worldly scholar, and I am sure those who like to nitpick would find many grammar mistakes over the years, maybe even spelling mistakes or missed words.
I write from my heart so when I am on a roll I simply go with the flow, and if I make a mistake so what.
Often it is my photos that speak to me, sometimes their messages are deep and profound (to me anyway) other times I might simply share beautiful moments here at the cottage with the kitties and chickens other times I tend to get a little more in depth.
Whatever the tone of the day I just flow with what I am given.

Some might find my ramblings just that, ramblings.
Others may find my blog humorous or maybe inspiring.
Some might like to visit to see my photos, I have no idea why many people read it each day, and in all honesty that is not why I do it.
This blog since it's first moment has been about a human called Gemel living her story here on planet Earth.
From the humble beginnings when I was only just finding my voice (a very scary thing to do for a person with no confidence and lack of self belief), to the first steps of beginning the life changing journey of learning to live alone.
As I began to deal with the fallout of a violent beginning to life which lead me to one disaster after another I attempted to find acceptance and love while walking the world embraced by trauma that fell around me like a cloak smothering me with it's negativity and despair.

Little did I know all those years ago I was looking in the wrong place for acceptance and love.

Some years I have written nothing, as the self healing journey I was undertaking took all my energy to navigate and at some points nearly cost me the most precious thing of all, my life.
As I personally look back over the posts of my blog I see the unfolding of a soul starting a journey into self discovery, a journey into unlocking my heart and learning to have faith in who I was.
Of finally understanding that I had to love and heal myself before I could share my life with another.

I also learned to trust the most important person in my life.

 I stopped looking outwardly for that which was lacking in my life, be that love, happiness, fulfillment, or a sense of belonging, instead I choose to focus on what had always healed me and gave me a sense of purpose and wonder, my beloved Gaia, this beautiful globe we all call home and her creatures both large and small, for it is in nature that I have always felt at home and loved and supported, the unseen arms of the mysterious spirit realm was always there for me when I most needed comfort.

As the journey continued so did the shedding of the layers of self doubt and unworthiness soon they began flying off too allowing me to become more true to myself and  to have faith in myself and to walk each day as authentically as I am able.

The deeper I looked into the hurt and the pain within that I carried from the past the more I shed this energy that had taken over my life and kept me stuck in old patterns and behaviours.
And each and every day I shed a little more and am given a new insight in to the sacredness of life.

It's never too late to learn something new, you're never too old to wear a funny hat, and it's okay to see the wonderment of this world no matter how many years you have walked upon this planet.
I have found a peacefulness that becomes deeper the more I walk this world as my authentic self, so I will continue to post whatever it is that sparks an interest in my soul and what captivates my heart, because each day is another gift living life and walking this Earth as Gemel continuing to find the extraordinary in the ordinary, of seeing the magic and wonderment of this beautiful planet I call home....


luksky said...

Beautifully written. Blogger has rules????

Gemel said...

For some it seems!

Thank you Laura, it was a piece of writing straight from my heart.