Saturday, May 30, 2020

The Ever Gentle.....

The ever gentle and inquisitive nature of the chicken folk as they strut around the garden exploring and preening themselves never ceases to bring a smile to my face and a lightness to my heart. Their antics as they forage for worms and bugs can make me stop for hours sometimes just observing their daily lives watching their interactions as they go about their day.

My mini flock is a mixture of breeds, and each has its own quirky personality.
Little Nova the newest to arrive sharing her love of climbing trees I have now sighted a couple of the other hens following her lead, never when a camera is on hand might I add.

One of my absolutely favourite times of the day is letting them out of their night box and having them all run behind me wings flapping as I head back up to the cottage to give them their daily treats, their seed forgotten as they want to check out what tasty tidbits are on offer.
Their excitement is infectious and it brings such joy each and every day.

There is never a dull moment with free ranging chickens, another daily event is when Aslan the rooster wants to mate with his girls in the morning after getting up, he does his happy dance and then all five hens run in five different directions disappearing around the garden as they try to keep a pace ahead of him and he runs around in circles until he catches one or gives up completely, it's absolutely hilarious to watch.
Given that he is a very gentle boy I do feel sorry for him when the hens do this, but I do still have a laugh at his expense.

And thus another day begins for these very lucky chickens who have found themselves a loving and safe forever home.....


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