Sunday, May 31, 2020

Feeling Blessed......

Feeling blessed and so deeply healed I have the deepest sense of gratitude for my life, and for finding my way to be able to participate in ceremonies from native tribes all over the world.

Never would I have thought for a minute that my life story would lead me to those who have trained in so many traditional ceremonies and that I would find myself sitting naked surrounded by complete darkness to undergo a transformational cleansing so profound that I am struggling to understand the depth of the healing I received.
How does one put into words how profound such an experience was, or, the level of healing and insights one has felt?
It take immense courage to enter a sweat lodge, for this is not an easy journey to undertake, it is more like a quest to unburden the soul and to reconnect with the everpresent unseen world of our ancestors as they cocoon us with their love and guiding presence.
Finding myself living in a society that does not resonate with my soul for many years I stumbled along in life trying without success to make sense of this world I reside in, and yet through all the disconnection and loneliness I miraculously found my way to be here sitting in the inipi and baring my body and soul for a journey that left me speechless and so deeply changed.

As the rock people were brought in on this cold and rainy autumn night the heat within the inipi continued to rise until it became nearly unbearable to remain in this space.
But remain I did, pushing through the fear and allowing the breath of the dragon to steam away the impurities of my body and soul.
With prayers offered to myself and humanity, for my beloved Gaia and all her creatures I took a voyage into a realm of  the unseen the guiding presence of the Spirit realm was so present as I allowed myself to expand into the interconnectedness of all life, seen and unseen I felt so strongly connected to everything.
As the rain continued to pour outside and the steam cascaded down upon me within the inipi I could feel the sacredness of being in this space, right here, right now.
It was destined to be that I found my way here on this night, to return to the traditions from a people who walked this earth long long ago.

Humbled and freed I could feel my body purging toxins and negativity that were still lingering within my body and mind, it was being drawn out and released as the sweat poured from my body.
Completely spent and drained of all that no longer serves me I emerged from the inipi a different person than the one who entered.

My whole life I have felt that I was born into the wrong time, that I should have been living in a time when humans remembered that everything is connected, that every single living organism is sacred, that we are not apart from them, we are them, as they are us.
But here I am, living a human life in these disconnected times, and as if by magic I found my way back to those who understand my plight, and who also walk this world like I do, with reverence to the mysteries of life and the teachings of those who walked before us.
I do not limit myself to identifying as a result of heritage from my birth mother and father, rather I have always known that my true essence is a mixture from many lifetimes lived upon this planet, and an innate knowledge that I have walked this world before in a time where harmony was our birthright.
The ceremony within the inipi was like taking a trip home, to a time when this was not seen as weird or dangerous, but as a regular practice with people I once loved and walked with.

Life is such a mystifying journey and with our limited perception most humans do not remember who they really are, they become lost as they try to navigate their way in a world designed to disconnect them from Nature herself, not knowing that to reconnect to the source of all Life is the first step in healing their soul.

Walking out into my garden this morning it was with reverence that I placed one foot after the other on my beloved Mother Earth feeling her beneath my feet.
Her heartbeat in rhythm with my own.
With eyes seeing as if for the first time I took in everything I saw, raindrops glistening from the trees, like tiny crystals sparling in the soft morning light, magical and remarkable.
There was no other sounds other than the morning songs of the magpies and the kookaburras echoing out across the still sleeping land.
A rainbow arching across the sky with dark rain filled clouds approaching slowly behind it, the beauty took my breath away as tears of gratitude trickled down my cheeks.
Life was everywhere I gazed, so much wonder to behold in my personal sanctuary of healing and love.
My gift of being able to hear the unhearable was stronger than ever this morning, I could sense each plant as I slowly strolled around the garden, they too felt the inner shift I had been through and were acknowledging this as I wove my way through them.........

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This bought tears to my eyes. It's been a very long journey for you my beautiful cousin. Am so grateful to be a small part of it. Hopefully you will be able to really start to enjoy your amble through life from here on. Love you 😘 so much xxxx