Wednesday, May 06, 2020

My Very Happy Chickens...

My very happy chickens who seemed to rather enjoy following me around the garden the other day always watching to see what I moved with the rake or shovel in case a worm or three were unearthed.
Taking a few moments around midday to share their rice with some parrots, which is always so lovely to watch, two species sharing food with no squabbling, it is really serene to observe all the birds sharing food, chattering and preening or sometimes just resting while the chickens do what chickens do.

Little Nova the newest of the flock was her normal quirky self, checking out some plants waiting to be planted not sure what she was looking for, maybe there were some tasty bugs hidden in the leaves or perhaps she was just giving them the once over. 
She then jumped onto the chair next to me for a few quiet moments with her human for a quick pat and then was off again to join her new family to frolic in the garden and to have their mid-afternoon group dust-bath/sunbathe.
Very lucky chickens indeed they are to have found their way to live their lives in such joyful bliss.
I can't imagine my garden without the gentle energy of chickens, to see them going about their days is a constant source of joy, to see how their relationships work and to witness the bonds they have has been such a beautiful lesson in life.....

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