Monday, May 11, 2020

It Was.....

 It was Mothers Day here in Western Australia yesterday and our small family gathered for a quiet morning tea to get together and spend time with each other, especially we all gave thanks for having Denise (my son's Mother in-law) here with us for another year, her fight with stage four cancer making us appreciate each and every moment we still have her with us.

Pictured with her children below we all silently pondered on how long she still has with us and how precious each moment is as her treatment has proved not to be working and they are now suggesting some sort of nano technology to replace the chemotherapy.
With Denise's sister in-law here from the east coast of Australia to support her we had an extra guest at our normally tiny gathering, we enjoyed a very delicious morning tea which everyone brought something to the table to share.

Spending time with my own son is always a blessing but today seemed far more special than normal.
Seeing his gentle way with his mother in-law was moving beyond words.
What really struck me though was that in her most vulnerable time physical contact is what Denise requires more than anything else, but with her immune system so compromised we all kept to the socially distancing rule, making an exception for a few quick photos.
It has been months since she has hugged her children, since she found comfort in having the arms of her children wrapped around her, and that was heartbreaking.
It is so unnatural not to be tactile with those I love and to sense the deep need of having physical comfort from Denise's family denied from her really was so difficult to witness.

Life is such a precious gift, one we should never take for granted.....  

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