Saturday, May 30, 2020

Happy Hats....

 Happy hats, everyone should have one!
Fed up with the grumpiness of humans recently when I saw this hat it immediately made me laugh, and I thought spreading a bit of laughter seemed like a good idea.

Placing it on my head after purchasing it much to the shock of the woman who served me I then ventured out into the world to spread some much needed cheerfulness.

Mission accomplished!

Everyone I passed smiled, some laughed out loud, but the best reaction was that of a young child around 15 months old who burst into the happiest giggling fit of the day which made me laugh as her mother tried to figure out what she was laughing at having not seen me as I passed.

Those who I had one on one interactions with all stated that the hat was awesome, did I make it asked one lady, no I replied, I told her I was on a mission to spread some happiness because I was a bit over the long faces and overall bad mood of everyone of late which actually did make her laugh.

I was not bothered whether people thought it was stupid or a tad childish, I simply wanted to bring a bit of fun to the those I passed as I went about my day.

Life should be about being spontaneous and lighthearted and I for one wanted to restore as much cheerfulness as I could on a cold and rainy day.....


luksky said...

Cute! I feel compelled to copy "cat" your idea and crochet me up a cat hat to do the same. There is way too much seriousness going on in the world today, everyone needs something to smile at.

Gemel said...

Copy cat you must, the world needs happy hats! Looking forward to seeing your creation.

Adults really do need to remember that within each of us is still a playful child, and to not take life so seriously.

Just Jood said...

This really made me smile - thankyou xxx. Judith