Tuesday, May 12, 2020

A Year Ago....

A year ago little Nala was rescued from a life of living in a bathroom due to the dogs of the house she found herself in constantly trying to kill her, tiny and full of inquisitive energy Nala was a bundle of playfulness right from the first moment she arrived in her forever home.
She took the changes in her stride and Charlie immediately was taken with his new sister, while Miss Bear was none to happy about the new arrival and it took several months before Miss Bear warmed to this new addition to the house.
Now the three are contented and happy, their antics always bringing a smile and a warming to my heart.
After the passing of Spirit, Pixie and Tarmie I did not think I would ever have another three felines to share my realm, but as if by magic, these three found their way to a home filled with love, a place where they would never be harmed or live in fear or neglected.
As I look back over the year of this little one joining the household I realised how blessed they all are to have found me and me them.
Animals can not speak of their pain sadness and suffering in voice that many heed, but somehow in the invisible world which swirls around us their cries are sent out into the universe and those lucky enough have someone out there who hears their call.....

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