Saturday, May 09, 2020

The Mysterious.....

The mysterious appearance of an owl feather under the covers of my bed.
Turning back the bed to make it I found this feather laying in the space next to me.
How did it get there?
Absolutely no idea!
An owl as a totem or spirit animal brings many messages, all of a positive nature, and believing in the many wonders the unseen world around us holds I am taking this mysterious message as a sign of changes afoot, changes of a positive nature and confirmation of being on the right path.
Standing there contemplating this feather and how it found its way under the covers of my bed left me dumbfounded.
It was almost as if some unseen hands had drawn the covers back and simply laid it there next to me.
A message of a visit from the realms of the unseen, giving me clarity and a deep sense of calm.
The web of the unseen world of guides and spirits who surround us on our earthly journey here as we live our human stories is not believed by all, but for me I have always known that there is more to this world than what our limited human vision can perceive. 
With many unexplained and often magical experiences I know in my heart that we have such a limited perception of what life is truly about.
Gathering the feather gently up I laid it gently on the palm of one hand, a soft vibration was felt as it lay there and I took time to feel into what is wanted to relay.
Sitting in stillness and listening with my heart I heard all that this feather had to say.
Walking the path I do is not one that many in the Western world do, often I am referred to as bit odd, or simply smiled at by others that think I have lost the plot.
To see the world as I do as do is not everyone's way, and that is perfectly okay.
I walk the world in my own unique way having reverted to the ways of old, of ceremonies and magic.
Of being able to hear with my heart, hearing the silent words of animals and plants as they connect with me in a way that modern societies have long since lost.
To understand and acknowledge the magnificent gift of living a human life with all that this brings to each of us, life is sacred, not just human lives but all life, as well as the other realms that surround us unseen but forever present, they guide and support us if only we still ourselves long enough to listen.
To have the ability to connect with the realm of the unseen is a gift I truly treasure....... 

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