Saturday, May 16, 2020

A Stroll...

A stroll around Lake Leschenaultia the other day and deciding to venture off the usual path I take I discovered an ancient tree trunk which captivated me with the many faces it presented from each angle that I looked at it.
The energy of this once grand tree was still oozing up from the earth, there was something extremely alive about this long dead stump of wood.
It is always an heartbreaking thing to see the remains of a grandmother tree dead and rotting in the bushland. Sometimes the stress of the remaining trees is so intense that her offspring will wither and die alongside their mother tree.
Here though she was still surrounded by many younger saplings as well as older trees still connected to the roots of the grandmother, her death was not in vain.
I also discovered a shelter made in what looks like a traditional way, it was quite long and looked like it hadn't been used in sometime.
Why was it here?
Who made it?
A mystery indeed.
The sighting of a pair of swans filled my heart with gladness, I am seeing more and more black swans on my meanders which is truly heart lifting as in recent years I have rarely sighted any black swans whilst out walking around lakes or rivers. 
The bushland had a magical energy about it, the soft afternoon light making the grasstress glisten in the sunlight as it touched them as if little diamonds were attached to them. The bushland was beckoning me to wander from the path and delve deeper into the realm of this natural temple, my feet following without hesitation, heeding the silent call of my earth mother.
The lake was still, the waterbirds all enjoying a final feeding before night descended, a serene and relaxing way to end another day..........

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