Friday, May 15, 2020

What One Person

What one person finds inspiring is not always seen by others.
Its all about perspective.
Sometimes the simplest things ignite a stirring in my heart as a view will stop me as I appreciate the beauty of the moment.
Sometimes what captivates me is so simplistic, like the sunlight through a stained glass window, something just made me pause and gaze through the window.
The way the light was catching the foliage outside, the soft blue of the sky, it was a moment of true appreciation for being here another day and to take a moment to sit with the astounding beauty of nature as seen through my eyes.
I have a tendency to stop many times through my day, sometimes even when driving I will pull over if I see something as I am driving that calls to my heart.
The greatest gift we all have is the beauty of this planet we call home, there is never two vistas the same, no day is the same, each moment presents us with something new.
Having a garden and watching it grow is one of the best teachers in life, for even there each day brings with it a new view, nothing is as it was the day before and never will be again......

1 comment:

luksky said...

I agree! Beauty is in the eye of the beholder