Saturday, October 12, 2019

The Perfection....

The perfection of  yellow callistemon caught my attention making me pause to enjoy it's gentle beauty.
Australian flowers are all rather unique and I often feel that they look like they come from another world.
With around 50 varieties of callistemon to choose from, they range in colours from whites, green, yellows, pinks as well as deep reds.

I have have nine in my little garden, 5 red ones and and 5 white.
Thinking that I would love to include one of these too as well as one of the stunning green ones that I discovered last week.
Only wondering where would I plant them? My little garden is fast filling up as everything is soaring towards the sun and leaving little room for new additions.

The bees were swarming around this tree and buzzing merrily as they went from flower to flower, honey eaters flitting in and out joining the feeding frenzy on the succulent nectar this plant was offering.
I always enjoy taking the time to stop and appreciate Mother Nature at her most finest, for me this is what life is truly about.
Taking the time to stop and see the wonderful world of nature that surrounds us.......


William Kendall said...

Beautifully backlit.

Gemel said...

Thank you William.