Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Always A Dreadful...

 Always a dreadful sight, smoke from a bush fire looming overhead.
Worse than this was the terrified squawking of some fledgling corella  cockatoos who were flying overhead in sheer terror as the flames chased them out
of their home.
Landing in a tree next to my boundary fence they were obviously traumatised and had also lost the rest of the flock as they fled for safety, shrieking loudly they took off from the tree circling the cottage before landing again still calling for their parents, thankfully the rest of the flock had spotted them and they flew overhead calling their young and they all flew off to find a safe perch for the night.

The loss of wildlife always brings me to tears when a fire tears through the bush land.
Thankfully this one was out before the days end, although I did wonder how many beings had lost their lives and their homes this day..... 


William Kendall said...

The poor birds.

Gemel said...

Yes very sad for the bush land dwellers.