Saturday, October 12, 2019

Charlie Cricket Returned.....

Charlie Cricket returned to the vet yesterday for a check up to see how he is doing.

He is less wobbly and actually began playing and running full pelt around the house in the last few days, his playful self returning at last.

However, the infection is still present and given it is in the inner ear it has no place to drain to, we are now having drops as well as tablets to try to dry it up and avoid him enduring an operation.
Feeling very playful yesterday evening he took to attacking my foot in-between snuggling cuteness.

Truly focusing on the drops working and avoiding what sounds like quite a horrendous operation.......


William Kendall said...

Hopefully the drops procedure works.

Charlie's thinking, 'this foot is mine. There are many other feet in the world, but this one belongs to me.'

Gemel said...

Yep, I am his human.