Monday, October 07, 2019

The Passing Of........

The passing of Cheeky Chook on Saturday brought a wave of grief and sadness to the cottage.

Having been a little out of sorts with herself the day or so previous I still was not prepared for her leaving us.

Busy in the house on Saturday morning I acknowledged that Aslan was crowing a great deal and I had noted that I had not seen Cheeky that morning other than seeing her in the nesting box when I went to let them out earlier that morning.
Being prompted to go and seek her out, I found her in the nesting box gasping for breath.
Patting her gently I told her I was going to move her inside, in the time it took to get the cat carrier and return to her Cheeky Chook had passed away.
Distraught and in shock I picked her up and carried her up to the house.
Aslan, Maple and Brulee were standing by the entrance of the chicken space and as I walked past they turned to watch and walked behind me, Aslan crowing as I disappeared into the house with my beautiful Cheeky nestled in my arms.

With a friend appearing for assistance the grave was prepared.
Wanting my chicken family to understand what had happened to Cheeky I carried her outside and as I walked out Aslan and his two remaining girls came towards me.
Kneeling on the grass I gently laid Cheeky down, Aslan was very excited to see her and came running over nuzzling her and calling her dancing around her continually speaking to her as he did so.
He continued to try and wake her up as well as giving her bits of grass to try to entice a reaction.
Maple and Brulee sat beside her as Aslan focused his attention on Cheeky, they seemed to understand that Cheeky Chook had gone.
After a period of perhaps ten minutes Aslan came up to me and stood before me just staring into my eyes.
When he finally broke eye contact he quietly called his girls away.

As the ritual of the burial took place Aslan, Maple and Brulee stood beside the grave watching every move made.
Watching as the matriarch of their little family was laid to rest.

Chickens are the most loveliest of  creatures.
Their family bonds strong.
They are funny and cheeky and often incredible silly, and roosters like my Aslan are simply too precious for words.

To know that Cheeky Chook lived a life of chicken luxury and was loved not only by her little family but by myself also, no longer will she charge down the driveway when I arrive home, or enjoy digging in the garden with me, she has taken with her a piece of my heart......


luksky said...

I'm sorry about Cheeky. :(

William Kendall said...

Oh, I'm sorry.

Gemel said...

Thank you both.