Sunday, October 13, 2019

And Lastly.....

 And lastly for today, how grateful I am to have this view out into my garden,
Seeing all the antics of not only my chicken family but also the wild ducks and birds who entertain me endlessly each day, being able to enjoy my garden from inside the house is a constant source of joy.
Watching the trees swaying in the wind, seeing the honey eaters diving into the flowers and butterflies dancing across the garden.
I really do appreciate every day.
I am grateful that through each window in the cottage the garden can be viewed.
From a blank canvas to a thriving hub of life I often don't want to leave my gate as nowhere do I feel such peace.

Walking down to view the cottage and acknowledging the massive changes I have slowly done over the years, learning as I go.
With the one remaining cafe blind staying only temporarily as I have different idea for the protection of the outdoor laundry area and hot water system.
Louvred wooden screens.
Hoping to have painted this side of the house before the screens go up.
Thinking that this will really transform this area of the cottage, it has always been the worst part of the cottage and sadly the last I have gotten around to transforming.......


William Kendall said...

It sounds like quite a bit of work.

Gemel said...

Yes it is, but I think worth it in the end.