Thursday, October 31, 2019

Bringing In.....

 Bringing in a pot of cat thyme just before I was to plant it gave the kitty kids a chance to have a sniff and a taste of this herb.

It aides the digestion when given in small amounts so it is a good add to their diet and to the part of the garden where I have dedicated a plot solely for kitty herbs. The silver foliage and the lovely purple flowers will certainly add to the gardens aesthetics.

Always interesting watching the kitty crew discovering new smells and watching their reactions.

Nala is always the least intrigued, I am beginning to think she is an old soul and she has already been there, done that.......


William Kendall said...

It does seem to mostly catch their attention.

Gemel said...

It did, and then I introduced the catnip! And happy kittens they were!