Saturday, October 05, 2019

Fire Is....

 Fire is a destructive force if out of control, yet when contained it brings with it a different type of energy entirely.
Sitting and watching the dry leaves and twigs crackling, the scent of eucalyptus swirling up on the smoke as it drifted away on the breeze.
Mesmerised by the fire I sat entranced with the dancing flames and spiralling smoke and the world around me faded from my mind and I found myself in a state of calm reflection.
With spring upon us it is a time of renewal and of new beginnings.
As I sat I pondered on the season to come, not only of the natural cycles of nature, but also of my own new chapter.
Not one to dwell in the past, I relish the unwritten path that lays before me.
Each day dawns without a plan.
Sure, I have my work to attend each week but other than that I rarely have plans of what a single day will bring.
As the fire took me on a cleansing journey of gratitude for where I am and of what is unwritten and yet to come.
For the lessons life has granted me, be they difficult of joyful.
For all the humans who I have encountered on my way, whether they brought pain and suffering, or happiness and love.
Each person we encounter in life is a teacher, as we too are teachers to others.
It is often the harshest situations that bring us the greatest personal growth. 
Having learnt to take the ego out of the equation and to look at situations that arise and see what it is that is being reflected to me by the interaction, asking what is it I need to learn.
This was perhaps the most important gift of my story.
People in pain lash out to others, often they will blame another person for the way they are feeling, however no one can make us feel or behave a certain way, we do that all ourselves.
To look at yourself and know that where you are in life is all down to you, sure others were present and maybe they even prompted you to do something by words or actions, but at the end of the day we all choose our own story.
Blame and hatred are such negative emotions and dwelling in these murky vibrations only leads to a life-story of misery.
Reliving the past is a complete waste of time, and blaming someone for something they may have said or done in the past is to dwell in misery.
We all do things we are not proud of when dwelling in a place of fear or anxiety yet to delve into the reasons why we may hurt others with actions or words and reflect them back to our self is to really engage with healing our self and to step forward without the negative energy of the past controlling our lives any longer.
To all the teachers in my story I thank you, whether still present or long gone, they are all active participants of getting me to this moment in my story.
People come and go in our lifetimes.
Some stay a long time, others are a fleeting presence in our life stories but all have brought something to our own path through our individual human stories.
As the fire began to go out and the smoke softly drifted away so to did my gratitude for the story of my life, for my ability to see through the unnecessary need to cling to dramas, instead I invite only happiness and joy into my realm and to also gravitate towards new vibrant and joyful humans who too see the value of the glorious uplifting things in life....... 


William Kendall said...

Very wisely said.

Gemel said...

Thank you William.