Thursday, March 24, 2022

Working My Way....

Working my way around the garden with bales of pea straw mulch will take some time, but that is okay, time for the garden I have plenty of. 
Pea straw mulch is beneficial for a lot of reasons, it is high in nitrogen and many other valuable nutrients. Boosts soil microbiology and helps to encourage worms and enrich the soil as well as saving on watering. 
But, what I like about it the most is that there are loads of pea sprouts popping up. I have a chicken proofed (well sort of) the areas done so far.  Stopping the chickens from digging the mulch up so far I have placed sticks and branches over the mulched areas to make it more difficult for the chicken folk to forage. It's worked thus far, quite impressed actually!
In two weeks of chicken free scratching the peas are really popping up everywhere and thriving. 
I am looking forward to seeing the peas growing throughout the garden and even more to pluck a couple to nibble on when pottering in the garden...... 



William Kendall said...

Very resourceful.

Gemel said...

And bountiful it seems.