Tuesday, March 08, 2022

Birds Are Master Architects.......

Birds are master architects with the way they construct their nests. Each species of bird use different nest building materials. And each a work of art.
These two nests are from new holland honeyeaters. There is not much room in these nests because these birds are very small. The newest brood took their first flight around the garden last week, another successful hatching.  I know that I have at least five breeding pairs of new holland honeyeaters in the garden. I wonder if this years babies will return to also nest here in the garden. The new holland honey eaters are rather territorial and tend to get into squabbles over who is allowed in which part of the garden. 
These two nests were found abandoned obviously not required now as the babies are finally out of the nest and exploring the big wide world...... 



William Kendall said...

Quite intricate.

Gemel said...

They are fabulous creations.