Friday, March 18, 2022

A Breakfast Of.......

A breakfast of cooked rice and corn kernels is a not only a favourite of the chickens, the magpies also love this combination. My resident magpies have two more chicks, these two chicks still have the grey downy feathers on their chests. They are also really quite a comical pair and not at all timid of me. Lily my white chicken was a little annoyed at the family flying in to take away from her breakfast and kept chasing them away. Meanwhile the rest of the chickens were settled under a tree ready for a mid morning slumber. A ringneck parrot was also keen to get a beak full of rice and waited patiently for the magpies to fly off before coming down to eat his fill.
 A glorious and relaxing way to begin a day, watching the antics of the birds as well as an impromptu serenade from the adult magpies.....



William Kendall said...

Wonderful shots!

Gemel said...

Thank you William.