Wednesday, March 09, 2022

Who Can Say....

 Who can say if it is us that makes the choice, or it is the choice that makes us?

Life is full of choices, chances and change. Currently and for the most recent past I have found that the changes being placed upon us from the governments across the planet have not been changes for positivity nor peace. 
Rather control and fear. 
As many people I know and come into contact with are struggling to find anything positive in the world, some stating that they want to die rather than live in this world. 
I wonder whether those in charge or the those in the mainstream media spare a second to think about what they have done? 
Perhaps it is time to make a choice for peace and to take a chance on working together to rebuild what the governments have destroyed to bring about changes of freedom, abundance for all and peace......


William Kendall said...

Well put.

Gemel said...

Thank you William.