Thursday, March 31, 2022

Almost Perfectly...

Almost perfectly camouflaged against the foliage this bronzewing was almost hidden. These are very timid birds and tend to take flight at the slightest of sounds. I have a small flock that has taken up residence in the garden and they don't always fly off now when I approach. The shady nooks and canopies the garden offers are helpful in keeping them safe against predators, and sadly the bronzewings are a target for larger predators. They also tend to like to stay near a water source so the garden again provides them with many bowls and baths with fresh water all around the garden. Often they will bathe in pairs which is really cute.......


Sharon said...

What a pretty bird!

Gemel said...

They are very pretty.

William Kendall said...

Quite a distinctive bird.

Gemel said...

They are, the wings are very distinctive.