Wednesday, March 30, 2022

The Silent Language.........

 The silent language of the heart is a voice that I hear frequently, to hear another's heart calling, well that is rare. 
It is said  that there are no chance meetings, everyone who comes into your life is for a reason, even chance encounters. In the past few months I have had such an encounter, a connection so strong to a complete stranger that when in his presence I found it hard to breathe. 
As the months progressed I found this feeling intensified to the point where we both slowly began to communicate with each other, both shy yet inquisitive. Then a  few weeks ago he stated that he was planning to return to his native Italy, news that took the wind out of me. And within a week he was gone flying back to Rome. The last encounter deeply sad that neither of us could look at each other, there was so much physically unsaid yet on a heart level much was shared. I cried as I walked to my car that last time wondering why did I meet this man if his destiny was to be somewhere else?

I have only had one other encounter that was a heart soul connection, a deep knowing that you known this person and have loved them before. And these encounters stay with you forever unlike purely romantic or lustful encounters where a different connection is at play. 

When the soul communicates with the soul of another in an instant of seeing them with such a deep sense of connection it transcends this monotonous realm we reside in. 
It is a reminder that there is more to the world than what the naked eye can see. 

We dwell in a universe of mysteries and wonders, yet most are captivated by the trivial creations of man designed to stagnate the soul if materialism is all that stimulates you. 

I live a life where I see magic and wonder on a daily basis. Where art and music move my soul and inspire my heart. 
Where I trust without question synchronicity and the presence of those unseen forces at play that entwine us as we walk through our days......


William Kendall said...

I'm sorry.

I came to the conclusion several years ago that it was best to stay single.

Gemel said...

I feel that is what my conclusion is too.