Sunday, March 27, 2022

Each Time I Arrive.....

 Each time I arrive home I greeted by six feathered beauties dashing down the driveway. As soon as they hear the front gate open they start running, but only when it is my car. Like dogs they can discern between engine sounds.
 Trouble is that they don't realise that the car is dangerous.  I have to leave the car outside the gate and go and throw out some seed to distract them long enough so I can actually drive the car in and close the gate. 
Lately though, Bella the little black hen will turn around and dash after me as I walk back to the car which makes things a tad difficult. 
Once I do get the car inside the property and am ambling back from the gate they are all milling around the car. They normally are all very vocal clucking about this and that, but also they know that I often have treats for them. 
Chickens are far from stupid! 
They also go underneath the car and I am not exactly sure what they do under there and wonder how they cope with the engine heat. Secret chicken business I expect so I leave them to it.

When I reverse out of the driveway I also have to distract them because as soon they they hear the car start they once again come running. Mealworms are what I have to use in the mornings as plain seed simply won't do. Moving the car after it has been parked overnight or for a day or two disturbs bugs which the chickens really enjoy to feast on. 

Chickens are such characters to have in the garden and are a continual source of entertainment., not to mention great at hiding their laying place. Once again they have been successful in hiding their egg laying place for nearly three weeks. I have searched and searched yet simply cannot find it. Clever girls indeed.....


William Kendall said...

Very clever.

Gemel said...

They really are.