Friday, December 10, 2021

Nala Giving The Wreath....

Nala giving the wreath the once over and her sniff of approval before ti was taken outside and hung on the front gate to add a bit of festive cheer for those visiting and passing by.

Although I have to say, it never feels festive to me when there is no snow and the weather is so dreadfully hot. I miss snowy festive days and roasting chestnuts, wooly hats and mittens and that wonderful festive feeling of a white christmas.

So as weird as it always feels to be adding festive decorations in the heat, this year I have done an outside tree (an inside tree lasts around 30 seconds with the kitty kids) and now the gate decorated too......



William Kendall said...

Cats must give such things a good sniffing.

Gemel said...

I know at times it is funny to watch the sniffing procedure.