Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Modern Culture.....

 Modern culture finds it difficult to trust in the wisdom of nature.

In nature cycles of activity are followed by cycles of rest.

Nature repeats this over and over with magnificent results each and every time.

This lack of trust has lead modern culture to where it finds itself now.

The lack of trust can lead to suspicion of restfulness and judge it as a weakness rather than a wisdom.

To manifest big, beautiful, divine, happy, loving dreams in your realm and to continue this your entire existence you need to rest without fear of judgement.

Listening to my body I know when it needs to rest, to be silent, to be alone.
I no longer ignore this call as in the past doing so has lead to illness and fatigue.

Sometimes rest is as simple as picking up a book and heading off to read.
Sometimes it is playing with my fur kids.
Other times it is pottering in the garden until the call of nature stops my busyness and I sit and just be.......

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