Saturday, July 06, 2019

Miss Bear....

 Miss Bear is only now getting over the arrival of Nala.
She has tended to keep to herself a lot in the eight weeks since I returned home with Nala.
Whether hiding in a box and keeping an eye on things or laying by the fire Miss Bear is still my most precious special girl.
 She has been very aloof recently which has sadden me as she really is such a warm and beautiful soul and I know if she gave Nala a chance they would become best friends.
She has begun playing chase with Nala though, however the snuggling time is few and far between.   
 Often catching her in some really strange places over the past couple of months as she comes to terms with having a new baby sister, I have noted that she will always sleep when possible on something of mine, even if it happens to be a cardigan on top of a pile of washing waiting to be put away, seeking the closeness she has stopped herself from enjoying...…….

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