Saturday, June 22, 2024

Reaching The Boundary...

 Reaching the boundary of the conservation area of Lake Leschenaultia this morning, I think on the south-west side I was all set to explore one of the three tracks that veered away from the gate. 
That was until I got the chills. 
I stood for a little while scanning the bush. There was definitely an ominous energy in the air. It was so intense that the back of my head and back were shivering as icy fingers seemed to creep all across my body.
 I stopped several times to turn around trying to see the source of this extremely eerie sensation. Each time I stopped, the urge to run took over. 
I walk alone all the time, and it is rare that I get the spooks. 
But today, I was on full alert after what I can only explain as a turn around and get the hell out of here message... 

1 comment:

Sharon said...

What a strange experience. You did the right thing.