Saturday, June 29, 2024

My Quenda...

My quenda has certainly been a busy critter these past few nights. I am beginning to wonder if there is more than one. I am yet to see the visiting marsupial. They are about the size of a rabbit, and extremely cute. They are only found in the southwest of Australia, which means they are very precious. Loss of habitat and predation is a huge concern, so knowing that I have one or more coming to the garden is indeed an honour. 
They eat mainly fungi bulbs and tubers which is why they make these little holes in the earth. They will also eat fruit, invertebrates and at times smaller animals. They like to feel safe, so leafy canopies close to the ground appeal to them. And there are plenty of these in the garden. Which is more than likely why I don't see them on my nightly searches. 
They are also known as ecosystem engineers, wherever they are found the bushland is healthier. They disperse seeds and fungi. Which is an added bonus for my garden as they will assist in keeping my garden healthy... 


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