Thursday, June 13, 2024

Coming To The Lake...

Coming to the lake which is an easy 7-minute drive or, a lovely 45-minute walk has become my daily ritual. I don't always take my camera, although I do mostly carry my phone in case something captures my attention. The times I choose to come here are picked to avoid the busy periods. I like to enjoy the ambience all to myself. I love the quiet. Just me and the elements. Often, I will pause to feel the wind on my face. Still with eyes closed as the energy of the land seeps into my core. 
I am still waiting for the chilly winds and weather, even on a rainy day it is still too warm to get rugged up. The weather here has certainly changed, the lack of flowers is a tremendous concern, by this time of the year it should be a colourful show of blooms. Yet, the flowers are yet to come. If the bees die out, we are in real trouble, and as I meandered along, I was deeply concerned about the lack of loveliness that the blooms bring.  
Hopefully, as the rains continue the plants and trees will recover enough from the drought to bud up and flower. I know that when I see the colourful wave of flowers across the land my heart will be joyous... 


1 comment:

Sharon said...

This looks like a perfect place to enjoy the charms of mother nature. It's a beautiful spot.