Friday, February 25, 2022

The Magpie Family

The magpie family joined the chickens and the ducks in the garden yesterday morning. One of the baby magpies was a little unsure and stayed safely on a branch. Eventually it became brave enough to join it's sibling exploring these new surroundings and having something to eat. 

Many humans could learn a great deal about tolerance and acceptance from these wild birds. There is rarely a squabble and if there is it is overcome swiftly. Unlike many humans who thrive on dysfunction and chaos avoiding peacefulness at any cost.....



William Kendall said...

The magpies make good photo subjects.

Sharon said...

Watching birds is one of my favorite things to do. I agree, humans could learn a lot and heaven knows, we have a lot to learn.

Gemel said...

They are stunning birds William.

Mine too Sharon, and yes many animals could teach the humans a lot.