Tuesday, February 08, 2022

Settling On A.....

Settling on a blanket under the shade of a tree I decided that instead of walking around Woodlake today I would instead sit and wait to see what came my way. 

At first I was content to sit and watch the leaves blowing in the wind, the sense of peace that I felt was deeply relaxing. Before too long though the waterbirds headed my way. The ripples that the ducks left in their wake very hypnotic, watching them gliding silently across the water deepened my blissful state. It is amazing what happens when you choose to sit and simply absorb beauty and serenity, the kind that only nature offers. 
Many of the ducks left the water and came over to where I sat, some searching for bugs in the grass, others wondering if I had any seed. A lone austrilasian grebe chick kept me entertained as I watched it duck diving and disappearing from view. I was impressed at how long this tiny creature actually stayed underwater searching for food.
The appearance of a family of coots made my day. The tiny chicks still had featherless heads and they looked so fragile as they swam after their doting parents. The parents were everso attentive and kept a vigilant eye on their adorable chicks. 
Moments of such tenderness and love left me feeling a warm buzz of happiness throughout my body. I completely  surrendered myself to being fully present allowing life to continued on around me.......



Sharon said...

Enjoying the miracle of nature is always a beautiful thing to do.

William Kendall said...

The little ones are cute.

Gemel said...

It really is Sharon.

They are little cuties William.