Wednesday, February 16, 2022

My Meditation Companion...........

My meditation companion each morning is the purring and contented Miss Bear. As I settle on the daybed next to me jumps Bear knowing the routine and ready for some quiet time. 
Normally she will snuggle down by my side purring loudly as I go deeper into my own stillness and will stay there until I have finished.
Yesterday though Bear decided that a bit of affection was required and after smooching my hands attempting to get a response she placed both of her front paws on my chest and proceeded to rub her nose on my nose breaking my practice with her adorable actions. 
How could I resist such a heartfelt show of love and affection? 
I couldn't......



William Kendall said...

She's very good company.

Sharon said...

How adorable. Sometimes a snuggle is the preferred activity.

Gemel said...

She is good company William.

She is adorable Sharon.