Friday, February 18, 2022

A Year On........

A year on from the devastating fire that tore through the bushland here at Noble Falls sees the bush regenerating once again. The falls were still and silent. What water that was left had groups of tiny fish zipping around near the surface. A pair of red tailed cockatoos the only other life seen. 

The area still has a desolate feel to it, the bushlands are normally places filled with life and birdsong. Yet here there is an eerie silence that is a reminder of the horrors that occurred here a year ago.

 Thousands of animals, birds and reptiles lost their lives with nowhere to go to outrun the intensity of the savage fire.
 Coming here is always emotional, however seeing the land beginning to thrive again does bring a hope that with it the animals and birds will return......



William Kendall said...

Life does start healing.

Gemel said...

Thankfully it does.