Monday, February 21, 2022

A Short Morning Walk.....

A short morning walk was enjoyed to begin my day on a new bush track that I discovered recently. Sadly though the heat beat me and I decided to hike the trail once the weather cools down. Not many flowers are blooming at the moment. those that were in bloom were attracting an array of pollinators. I also spent time admiring the strength and determination of a few trees having grown seemingly out from the hard coffee rock cliffs. Quite remarkable when you think about the power the young plants possess to grow and survive in such extreme conditions.  

The only down moment was discovering a handful of smashed glass which was left to cause damage. It is not only the damage to passing animals that is a concern but also the risk of causing a fire. I gathered it up and carried back to the car and disposed of it safely.......



William Kendall said...

Your heat is higher than we get in the summers. Ours tends to get mixed with humidity.

Gemel said...

Our is tending to be a humid heat at times which is awful.