Wednesday, February 02, 2022

Quiet Time By.....

Quiet time by the river breathing in the tranquility and allowing my soul to rest. 
Above me a single raven chick was being urged to take flight from its parents who were calling to it encouraging it to join them. Unafraid of me as I stood below it called back as it contemplated leaving the safety of the branch. It began to hop from one branch to another before finally flying from one tree to another a short distance away. That first few flights of testing out wings must be as terrifying as it would be exhilarating. Whether it eventually got brave enough to fly to its parents I didn't see.

The other star subject was a willy wagtail who to my surprise stayed still for the longest time. Normally the willy wagtails continually wag their tails non stop making photos difficult to capture, seeing one still for any length of time is always a bonus. 

Of course there were plenty of ducks around, mostly sleeping, although a couple came close to me in hope I had some food. A few others in the water enjoying the ambience of a perfect summer's afternoon. Taking time each day to be out in nature to observe the constant beauty that surrounds me is worth more to me than all the money in the world....



William Kendall said...

A wonderful mix of shots.

Gemel said...

Thank you William.